
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: maig, 2019


DUBLIN MANY TRADITIONAL DISH ES IRISH BREAKFAST Irish breakfast: it is known for being a fairly complete breakfast. It usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, pieces of blood sausage, liver and orange juice, all accompanied with soda bread. IRISH STEW The Irish Stew It is one of the classic Irish dishes. Although this stew varies depending on the chef who makes it, almost certainly the basic ingredients will be lamb, carrot, potato and beef and onion broth. COLACANNON It is a puree made with cabbage, mashed potatoes, butter, pepper and salt. Its variants may contain milk, leek, onion, garlic, ham or bacon. SODA BREAD The ingredients of this bread are flour, sodium bicarbonate, salt and buttermilk or sour milk. Other variants contain raisins and nuts. 6. Traditions. During your trip to Ireland, you will probably be struck by the large presence of pubs and their important role in the social life of the local inhabitants. In Dublin, as in the othe...